Carlos Pellas Award

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Forbes Central America praises achievements of Don Carlos Pellas and his companies.

The famous magazine Forbes Central, devoted the cover of its September issue and an extensive interview the president of Grupo Pellas, Don Carlos Pellas, which highlights the achievements of this important regional consortium.

Titled "Carlos Pellas, the new tourism czar," Forbes notes that don Carlos Nicaragua seeks to turn in a Central Diamond resort that attracts both travelers who require medical care, like millionaires. "Mukul will be the jewel in the crown," says the publication.

"But why have faith in a business like this is a country that is located at position 95 among the 140 that make up the tourism competitiveness index of the World Economic Forum?" Asks Forbes and the answer is in the personal qualities and business acumen of Don Carlos, developed since the age of 26 when he took over the leadership of the Group in a complex political situation in the country.

The interview titled "The captivating rating" describes the solid education of Don Carlos in Stanford, negotiating skills to survive the economic downturns of the decades of the 70s and 80s and spiritual strength to overcome the fatal accident with his Dona wife Vivian, in 1989.

"Today I wonder if I had not had the accident would have built Mukul. Probably not, because it is a project with a great deal of spirituality, benefits to people, sustainability and shared wealth, "said Don Carlos to Forbes.

The magazine sought the opinion of national tourism leaders who assured thanks to Mukul Beach, Golf & Spa on behalf of Nicaragua has taken prominence in the tourism sector with international celebrities visit this tourism project.

"This direct promotion helps improve the country's image and positions it as the destination for high quality and probably will attract investment," said Lucy Valenti, promoter of tourism in Nicaragua.

Forbes gave an overview of the many awards and recognitions obtained by Mukul just over a year after its opening, but also made a detailed list of the successes of the Pellas Group and other companies like Vivian Pellas Metropolitan Hospital, another large anchor important for attracting medical tourism, particularly with its premium product, the stem cells.

"Accreditation by the Joint Commission International HMVP standing as the only competitor to conquer Nicaragua medical tourism in the country, dental, bariatric operations and cellular medicine revolutionizes science research," says Forbes.

Forbes highlights the successful regional expansion of Grupo Pellas with companies such as GBM; Santa Elena tourism development, located in Costa Rica, and the Santa Maria Real Estate project in Panama and the acquisition of TicoFrut in partnership with major employers in the region and the international presence of Flor de Caña rum, now sold in 40 countries competing on price with recognized brands in the global liquor industry.

"Carlos Pellas already have their hands on a 10-year plan to continue making inroads with their products, especially with Ron Flor de Caña, harder to America, Spain, England and Australia, among other markets," says Forbes. - With Granada Intur Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism and 21 others.

Published by: Turismo Centro Empresarial Pellas
Source: Facebook
September 19th, 2014


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