The Return

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Peace Boat Returns to Nicaragua...

Hundreds of young people from different municipalities of Chinandega arrived at Puerto Corinto is given for the Peace Boat and over 800 youth and adults from Japan to wear various countries promoting the culture of peace.

In this fourth visit by the "Peace Boat" was officially received by the presidential adviser for international affairs, Father Miguel D'Escoto Brockman, mayor of Corinto Absalom Martinez, Mayra Salinas Compañera Minister of Tourism, the Executive Chairman of EPN partner Virgilio Silva, Valdrack Jaentschke, vice chancellor of the Republics, Nicaragua's ambassador in Japan, partner Saul Arana among other government officials and the mayor of Corinto partner Absalom Martinez, who presented a plaque with the keys to the city of Corinth the Director of Peace Boat Mr. Yoshioka Tatsuya.

He also founder and director of Peace Boat, appreciated the warm welcome of the Nicaraguan people and noted that the Peace Boat walk not only Japanese citizens but people from 20 nationalities whose main goal is peace and recalled that Nicaragua experienced a tragic war, hence the fervor with which the Nicaraguan defend the ease with which they now live.

For his part, Father Miguel D'Escoto said that peace is a good that must be defended by all mankind, however, now peace is seriously threatened. The former Nicaraguan foreign minister also condemned the attacks currently being undertaken Israel against the Palestinian people and called on the international community to do something to stop such barbarism, as well as demand that Israel comply with the UN resolutions, on pain of being expelled of this organization and be isolated by all countries committed to peace.

The Advisor to the President for International Affairs, also referred to Israeli attacks against Palestinian catalogándoles as genocide and violations of

most basic norms of peaceful coexistence and demanded the isolation of Israel and expulsion of the United Nations

For his part, Ambassador of Nicaragua in Japan, partner Saul Arana said the Peace Boat has come to Nicaragua four times including three during the government of President Daniel Ortega.

On this occasion the cruise ship visited peace León, Chinandega and some social projects that the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity runs on these department.

In the past 30 years, Peace Boat has organized more than 80 trips including 53 trips around the world carrying more than 50 participants.


Published by: INTUR
August 4th, 2014


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