Touristic Projects Continue

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INTUR Announces Major Touristic Projects

The Executive President of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR), Companion Mayra Salinas, reported that in 2014 the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute will be conducting 9,000 Microenterprise Training Tourism throughout the country including small businesses and tourism promoters.

With these trainings INTUR proposes that micro tourism more productive and competitive and that Nicaragua is a phenomenon seen in all International Publications, reflecting the progress of the Sandinista government in its battle against poverty.

Recently Hemispheres, the official magazine of United Airlines, which covers customs, Travel and Vacation, Finance, Political News and cultural trends is the development of tourism in Nicaragua.

The American Hemispheres magazine has a circulation of 576,000, exemplary.

In the coming months INTUR in coordination with regional authorities and with the support of international cooperation, promote Caribbean Grand Tourist Program of the Caribbean Coast, which is one of the largest programs has handled the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute Nationwide.

The program, which in the coming months represent higher investments to 30 billion dollars will be phased and positioned at different points and attractive for our Tourism Autonomous Regions North and South, in close coordination with local authorities.


Published by: INTUR
July 25th, 2014



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