Tourism Regional Meeting

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57th Successful Meeting of The Regional Committee for The World Tourism Organization.

With the participation of ministers and tourism officials from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela and Colombia, was held in Cartagena de Indias 57th Session of the Regional Committee of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and Second Meeting of UNASUR. 

For four days, was the scene of Colombia discussions key to tourism development issues on the continent. 

The 57th session of the UNWTO Regional Commission began with a seminar on Public-Private Partnership, Specialization in Tourism Product Configuration and the International Forum on Sustainable Tourism Development and Innovation. 

The Regional Tourist event was attended by over 250 attendees on topics such as tourism, competitiveness and sustainability were addressed; management technologies for communication and tourism marketing; community tourism; and social appropriation of sustainability. 

The Regional Meeting of Ministers Responsible Tourism and the Private Sector signed an agreement with the World Tourism Ethics Code which defines the right to travel and freedom of tourist movements and will promote equitable world tourism order, responsible and sustainable mutual benefit of all sectors of society.

Published by: INTUR 
On: June 30th, 2014


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