Lastest Updates on Inter Oceanic Channel in Nicaragua

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Defined channel path: work begins 2014 and will be ready in 2019.

Company HKND of The Chinese businessman Wang Jing has already defined the pathway by which the great canal be built in Nicaragua, leaving behind the dream of many centuries to bring it to reality, against skeptics and critics that this project was possible someday.

In an interview with the British newspaper The Telegraph, Wang says it will be the great achievement that will rank as one of the greatest engineering marvels in history.

"I am 100 percent sure that construction will begin in December 2014 and will end in five years in 2019," he said from Beijing.

He added that while a feasibility report is still ongoing, "part" of the project has already been decided.

"There will be small changes, but no major changes," he said to specify the path Hound Sound Bar (South Deer Island in the Bay of Bluefields) - Rio Escondido - River Branch - River Oyate - Lake Nicaragua - Rio Las Lajas - River Brito.

Wang said that the protection of the environment and Lake Nicaragua is the heart of the project.

"It's very clear to us that Lake Nicaragua is the mother country lake, a symbol like the Yellow River is to China. So the protection of this lake is the center of our feasibility report, "he said.

"I take full responsibility for any environmental damage. I've told my staff that if we make a mistake on this front, is paid in the history books of Nicaragua, "he added.

The pre-feasibility study of the canal was prepared by a team of Royal Haskoning DHV companies and ECORYS, who was hired by the Grand Canal Authority Interoceánico Dutch consortium.

Two weeks ago, the company HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Co., Limited (HKND Group), announced the signing of Australian Neil Murchie Hodge as chief engineer of the work, who with 40 years experience in construction has led the design development of major engineering projects around the world, managing complex infrastructure projects generation.

Insured funds

Wang Jing said that hundreds of dollars for the feasibility study of the great canal in Nicaragua are already insured with funds from China, Europe and the United States.

"Our investors are the big banks and other large institutions. Investors are first class, "he stressed.

China Development Bank has given the telco Wang, Xinwei telephone, 12 billion yuan, 1.3 billion credit line to expand their business overseas.

"If China Development Bank and other banks no difference (to finance the canal in Nicaragua) but are financial institutions. There will be no hidden policy, "he said.

Chinese government outside

Jing Wang reiterated that the government of Mainland China are not the Nicaraguan project. "No involvement of the Chinese government. No one is saying we should do with this company or do that. The money we've spent so far, several million, has come to me personally, "he said.

Wang insists that there is no political element in the project and said that 5000 people already working in the feasibility study of the canal in Nicaragua and a score of international law firms to safeguard its concession contract 100 years before any and hypothetical political change in Nicaragua.

Apparently, the route would be defined Hound Sound Bar (South Deer Island) - River Branch - Oyate River - Lake Nicaragua - Rio Las Lajas - River Brito.

It is the recommended route, with a length of 286 km, including about 80 Km on Lake Nicaragua.

This route is the most convenient because it requires a lower investment cost and a smaller volume of soil excavation. In addition, the geological characteristics of the area, facilitate this activity. The topography of the land where it is located is relatively flat, with an upward slope of 2% in the first 54 km from his home on the coast of the Atlantic.

Bastian fascinated with Canal

In Managua, the Secretary of Commerce of the United States, Walter Bastian, visiting Nicaragua, fascinated with the possibility that Nicaragua build a canal Tuesday said.

"I love the channel topic. It is something that we will follow, we will talk with U.S. companies to make sure they are up to date with the development of this project, "to observe that it is a long term project where the path should be defined and environmental impact.

The top U.S. office indicated that for American business interest will be dominated in the issue of transparency and the sanctity of contracts to be concluded, "but it is a very interesting project."

Published by: El 19 Online
July 7th, 2014


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