Excursion in San Albino

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INTUR and Young Segovianos perform Mineral Hiking in San Albino

Under the Delegation of Backpacking Nueva Segovia of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR) made ​​a Eco-Tourist Walk to San Albino ores in order to celebrate the Manifesto of General Augusto C. Sandino and boost tourism in this site historical. The activity involved institutions such as the MINED, MINSA, INTUR, National Police, Tourism Cabinet, political secretaries, the Municipality of the gourd and members of the Sandinista Youth.

The October 26, 1926 Sandino takes up arms with some workers in the San Albino mine and joined the Constitutionalist cause. On November 2, Sandino has his first confrontation with the conservative forces in the gourd. A San Albino Mine returned after the General Sandino Agreements on the weekend of the Black Thorn, Managua. And from the San Albino Mine General Augusto C. Sandino shipped its first Manifesto to all Nicaraguans and the American Indian race.

In recognition of the exploits of General Sandino, young Segovia performed in San Albino ores a cultural magazine with the participation of schools and exposures were made on the life and history General Augusto C. Sandino.

With this type of activities is to encourage youth to get involved in tourism activities that make your town as well as preserve the historical and cultural heritage, such as the San Albino ores and promote this site as a tourist destination in the department Nueva Segovia
Published by: INTUR
July 24th, 2014


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