Communities Touristic Projects

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INTUR and EUROPEAN UNION  launched Touristic Projects in Communities of Somotillo and Villanueva.

With an investment of 369 000 558 Euros, the European Union INTUR and conducted the launch of two subsidized projects to be implemented in the municipalities of Villanueva and Chinandega Somotillo, benefiting more than 200 heads of households.

The Project to Strengthen Local Capacity for Tourism Development Somotillo, it will run in several communities in this county, has a cost of 250 thousand euros and aims to contribute to developing local capacities of the municipality for the promotion of rural tourism this town explained INTUR delegate in the department of Chinandega, Ofelia Manzanares companion.

20 percent of 250 thousand euros mayoral Somotillo provide as a counterpart of this project, to be implemented within a period of 22 months.

The beneficiaries of this project are the municipal tourism cabinet and leaders and leaders of the communities of Palo Grande Apacunca and who have the support of INTUR MARENA, The Army of Nicaragua, the wider community and mayor of Somotillo.

The Manzanares companion also explained that another project that was recently introduced for the Integration of Genetic Reserve Estero Real Apacunca Typical Artisan Market and the communities of Israel and Bonnet whose main objective is to contribute to sustainable economic development of three Villanueva communities, to provide them with tools to allow them to be agents of their own change.

The technical representative of the European Union Jean Bourgeais urged all beneficiaries of both projects to complete them within the time set for the European Union to extend the project.

Published by: INTUR
July 15th, 2014


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