Mining in Nicaragua

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First International Conference on Mining in Nicaragua 2014

The Nicaraguan Chamber of Mines ( Caminic ) announced the completion of the First International Conference on Mining, Nicaragua 2014 , which will be held on August 12th, 13th and 14th this year, with support from the Ministry of Energy and Mines ( MEM) , the Authorized Agent for Investment Promotion and Export Nicaragua , ProNicaragua, and various public and private entities .

The engineer Dennis Spears, vice president and president Caminic Organizing Committee of the First International Congress of Mining, Nicaragua 2014 , said this aims to present the development of the mining industry in the country and promote Nicaragua as a destination for domestic investment and international .

During a press conference on April 8 , the Engineer Spears explained that in previous years mining conferences were held with national coverage and the First International Conference on Mining will have greater relevance for the participation of various international speakers from Canada , Mexico , Guatemala , Panama and Peru , among other countries.

At the launch of the First International Conference on Mining, Nicaragua 2014 attended by a large group of journalists and , in the chair of the event , besides the Engineer Spears , engineer Carlos Zarruk , director of Mines MEM , he met Dr Bertha Arguello Committee organizer , Engineer Thomas Lee from the Organizing Committee and the Engineer Reynerio Romero Organizing Committee.


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